Scientific Articles
Publications listed by inverse chronological order.
#: equal contribution
@: corresponding author
: open-access
See publications also at Google Scholar and PubMed.
“Local Disordered Region Sampling (LDRS) for Ensemble Modeling of Proteins with Experimentally Undetermined or Low Confidence Prediction Segments”
Bioinformatics 2023, btad739,
Preprint @bioRxivZi Hao Liu, João M.C. Teixeira, Oufan Zhang, Thomas E. Tsangaris, Jie Li, Claudiu C. Gradinaru, Teresa Head-Gordon, Julie D. Forman-Kay
“PED in 2024: improving the community deposition of structural ensembles for intrinsically disordered proteins”
Nucleic Acids Research, 2023, gkad947. Ghafouri, Tamas Lazar, Alessio Del Conte, Luiggi G Tenorio Ku, PED Consortium, Peter Tompa, Silvio C. E. Tosatto, Alexander Miguel Monzon
“DeepRank2: Mining 3D Protein Structures with Geometric Deep Learning”
The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) 2023, submitted Crocioni, Dani L. Bodor, Coos Baakman, Farzaneh M. Parizi, Daniel T. Rademaker, Gayatri Ramakrishnan, Sven van der Burg, Dario F. Marzella, João M.C. Teixeira, Li C. Xue
“Impact of AlphaFold on Structure Prediction of Protein Complexes: The CASP15-CAPRI Experiment.”
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2023, volume 91, issue 12, 1658-1683. Lensink, Guillaume Brysbaert, Nessim Raouraoua, Paul A. Bates, Marco Giulini, Rodrigo V. Honorato, Charlotte van Noort, João M.C. Teixeira, Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin, et. al.
“Alternatively spliced exon regulates context-dependent MEF2D higher-order assembly during myogenesis”
Nature Communications 2023, 14, 1329.ónika Gönczi, João M.C. Teixeira, Susana Barrera-Vilarmau, Laura Mediani, Francesco Antoniani, Tamás Milán Nagy, Zsolt Ráduly, Viktor Ambrus, József Tőzsér, Endre Barta, Katalin E. Kövér, László Csernoch, Serena Carra, Monika Fuxreiter
“FuzPred: A Web Server for the Sequence-Based Prediction of the Context-Dependent Binding Modes of Proteins”
Nucleic Acids Research 2023, gkad214. Hatos#, João M.C. Teixeira#, Susana Barrera-Vilarmau, Attila Horvath, Silvio CE Tosatto, Michele Vendruscolo, Monika Fuxreiter
- “Learning to Evolve Structural Ensembles of Unfolded and Disordered Proteins Using Experimental Solution Data”
Journal of Chemical Physics 2023, 158, 174113.
Pre-print @arXiv
Oufan Zhang, Mojtaba Haghighatlari, Jie Li, Zi Hao Liu, Ashley Namini, João M.C. Teixeira, Julie D. Forman-Kay, Teresa Head-Gordon
- “Learning Correlations between Internal Coordinates to improve 3D Cartesian Coordinates for Proteins”
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2023, 19, 14, 4689-4700.
Pre-print @arXiv
Jie Li, Oufan Zhang, Seokyoung Lee, Ashley Namini, Zi Hao Liu, João M.C. Teixeira, Julie D. Forman-Kay, Teresa Head-Gordon
“SPyCi-PDB: A modular command-line interface for back-calculating experimental datatypes of protein structures”
The Journal of Open Source Software 2023, 8(85), 4861. Hao Liu, Oufan Zhang, João M.C. Teixeira, Jie Li, Teresa Head-Gordon, Julie D. Forman-Kay
“Protein interactions: anything new?”
Essays in Biochemistry 2022, 66, 7, 821-830. Barrera-Vilarmau#; João M.C. Teixeira#; Monika Fuxreiter
“IDPConformerGenerator: A Flexible Software Suite for Sampling Conformational Space of Disordered Protein States”
Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2022, 126, 5985–6003.
Pre-print @bioRxivJoão M.C. Teixeira@, Zi Hao Liu, Ashley Namini, Jie Li, Robert M. Vernon, Mickaël Krzeminski, Alaa A. Shamandy, Oufan Zhang, Mojtaba Haghighatlari, Lei Yu, Teresa Head-Gordon, Julie D. Forman-Kay@
“BioExcel Whitepaper on Scientific Software Development”
Zenodo 2022., Mark J.; Melquiond, Adrien S.J.; Ippoliti, Emiliano; Gapsys, Vytautas; Hess, Berk; Trellet, Mikael; Rodrigues, João P.G.L.M.; Laure, Erwin; Apostolov, Rossen; de Groot, Bert L.; Bonvin, Alexandre M.J.J.; Lindahl, Erik; Bauer, Paul; João M.C. Teixeira; Groenhof, Gerrit; Morozov, Dmitry; Honorato, Rodriga; Jimenez, Brian
- “Protein Dynamics to Define and Refine Protein Ensembles”
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2022, 126, 9, 1885-1894. M. Naullage, Mojtaba Haghighatlari, Ashley Namini, João M.C. Teixeira, Jie Li, Oufan Zhang, Claudiu C. Gradinaru, Julie D. Forman-Kay, Teresa Head-Gordon
- “A Methionine Chemical Shift Based Order Parameter Characterizing Global Protein Dynamics”
ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 1001–1004. Chashmniam#, João M.C. Teixeira#, Juan Carlos Paniagua, Miquel Pons
“PDB-Tools Web: A User-Friendly Interface for the Manipulation of PDB Files”
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2021, 89 (3), 330–335. Jiménez-García, João M.C. Teixeira, Mikael Trellet, João P.G.L.M. Rodrigues, Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
“Taurenmd: A Command-Line Interface for Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Simulations”
Journal of Open Source Software 2020, 5 (50), 2175.ão M.C. Teixeira@
“Insights on Cross-Species Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from Structural Modeling”
PLOS Computational Biology 2020, 16, e1008449.
Pre-print @bioRxivJoão P.G.L.M. Rodrigues, Susana Barrera-Vilarmau#, João M.C. Teixeira#, Marija Sorokina, Elizabeth Seckel, Panagiotis L. Kastritis, Michael Levitt
“Structural Models of Human ACE2 Variants with SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein for Structure-Based Drug Design”
Scientific Data 2020, 7 (1), 309. Sorokina#, João M.C. Teixeira#, Susana Barrera-Vilarmau#, Reinhard Paschke#, Ioannis Papasotiriou#, João P.G.L.M. Rodrigues#, Panagiotis L. Kastritis#
“Extended Experimental Inferential Structure Determination Method in Determining the Structural Ensembles of Disordered Protein States”
Communications Chemistry 2020, 3 (74), 1–12.
Pre-print @arxivJames Lincoff, Mojtaba Haghighatlari, Mickael Krzeminski, João M.C. Teixeira, Gregory-Neal W. Gomes, Claudiu C. Gradinaru, Julie D. Forman-Kay, Teresa Head-Gordon
“Cis-Trans Proline Isomers in the Catalytic Domain of Calcineurin”
The FEBS Journal 2019, 286 (6), 1230–1239.ão M.C. Teixeira, Alicia Guasch, Atilla Biçer, Álvaro Aranguren-Ibáñez, Saeed Chashmniam, Juan Carlos Paniagua, Mercè Pérez-Riba, Ignacio Fita, Miquel Pons
“A Myristoyl-Binding Site in the SH3 Domain Modulates c-Src Membrane Anchoring”
iScience 2019, 12, 194–203. Le Roux, Irrem-Laareb Mohammad, Borja Mateos, Miguel Arbesú, Margarida Gairí, Farman Ali Khan, João M.C. Teixeira, Miquel Pons
“Pdb-Tools: A Swiss Army Knife for Molecular Structures”
F1000Res 2018, 7, 1961.ão P. G. L. M. Rodrigues, João M.C. Teixeira, Mikaël Trellet, Alexandre M.J.J. Bonvin
“The Two Isoforms of Lyn Display Different Intramolecular Fuzzy Complexes with the SH3 Domain”
Molecules 2018, 23 (11), 2731.ão M.C. Teixeira, Héctor Fuentes, Stasė Bielskutė, Margarida Gairi, Szymon Żerko, Wiktor Koźmiński, Miquel Pons
“Farseer-NMR: Automatic Treatment, Analysis and Plotting of Large, Multi-Variable NMR Data”
Journal Biomolecular NMR 2018, 71 (1), 1–9.ão M.C. Teixeira@, Simon P. Skinner, Miguel Arbesú, Alexander L. Breeze, Miquel Pons
“Intramolecular Fuzzy Interactions Involving Intrinsically Disordered Domains”
Frontiers Molecular Biosciences 2018, 5. Arbesú, Guillermo Iruela, Héctor Fuentes, João M.C. Teixeira, Miquel Pons
“The Unique Domain Forms a Fuzzy Intramolecular Complex in Src Family Kinases”
Structure 2017, 25 (4), 630-640.e4. Arbesú, Mariano Maffei, Tiago N. Cordeiro, João M.C. Teixeira, Yolanda Pérez, Pau Bernadó, Serge Roche, Miquel Pons
“An Oxygen-Sensitive Toxin-Antitoxin System”
Nature Communications 2016, 7, 13634. Marimon, João M.C. Teixeira, Tiago N. Cordeiro, Valerie W. C. Soo, Thammajun L. Wood, Maxim Mayzel, Irene Amata, Jesús García, Ainara Morera, Marina Gay, Marta Vilaseca, Vladislav Yu Orekhov, Thomas K. Wood, Miquel Pons
“A C2HC Zinc Finger Is Essential for the RING-E2 Interaction of the Ubiquitin Ligase RNF12”
Scientific Reports 2016, 6 (1), 29232.é Bijlmakers, João M.C. Teixeira, Roeland Boer, Maxim Mayzel, Pilar Puig-Sàrries, Göran Karlsson, Miquel Coll, Miquel Pons, Bernat Crosas
- “A Bis(Pyridine N-Oxide) Analogue of DOTA: Relaxometric Properties of the Gd(III) Complex and Efficient Sensitization of Visible and NIR-Emitting Lanthanide(III) Cations Including Pr(III) and Ho(III)”
Chemistry 2014, 20 (45), 14834–14845.é F. Martins, Svetlana V. Eliseeva, Henrique F. Carvalho, João M.C. Teixeira, Carlos T.B. Paula, Petr Hermann, Carlos Platas-Iglesias, Stephane Petoud, Éva Tóth, Carlos F.G.C. Geraldes
“Examination of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 in Solution A PREFERENCE FOR THE PRE-COLLAGENOLYSIS STATE”
Journal of Biological Chemistry 2013, 288 (42), 30659–30671. Cerofolini, Gregg B. Fields, Marco Fragai, Carlos F.G.C. Geraldes, Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, Enrico Ravera, Dmitri I. Svergun, João M.C. Teixeira
“The Catalytic Domain of MMP-1 Studied through Tagged Lanthanides”
FEBS Letters 2012, 586 (5), 557–567. Bertini, Vito Calderone, Linda Cerofolini, Marco Fragai, Carlos F.G.C. Geraldes, Petr Hermann, Claudio Luchinat, Giacomo Parigi, João M.C. Teixeira
- “The Interaction of La3+ Complexes of DOTA/DTPA Glycoconjugates with the RCA120 Lectin: A Saturation Transfer Difference NMR Spectroscopic Study”
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry 2011, 16 (5), 725.ão M.C. Teixeira, David M. Dias, F. Javier Cañada, José A. Martins, João P. André, Jesús Jiménez-Barbero, Carlos F.G.C. Geraldes
- “Enantioselective Binding of a Lanthanide(III) Complex to Human Serum Albumin Studied by 1H STD NMR Techniques”
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 2011, 9 (14), 5047–5050. M. Dias, João M.C. Teixeira, Ilya Kuprov, Elizabeth J. New, David Parker, Carlos F.G.C. Geraldes
Book chapters
- “Chapter 89: Matrix Metallopeptidase-1/Interstitial Collagenase.”
Rawlings - Vol. 1 - Handbook of Proteolytic Enzymes, 4e: Metallopeptidases, March 2024, Elsevier.
Invited by Dr Neil D. Rawlings. EMBL-European Bioinformatics Institute alumnus. 34 Brybank Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 7WD, UK. Tel: 01440 713859
Newspapers highlights
- “Entre cães e gatos, galinhas e chimpanzés há animais imunes e susceptíveis ao SARS-CoV-2”., 2020
- “Así es el coronavirus que ha mutado en Dinamarca”. El País, 2020
- “”. inverse
- “Matrix Metalloproteinases: proteins in action”. pNMR news, Paramagnetic NMR Newsletters of the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN “PNMR”., 2012 (PDF)
Talks, Teaching, and Workshops
“From modeling multidomain proteins with HADDOCK2 to building HADDOCK3.”
20 Years of HADDOCK, Huizen, The Netherlands, 7-10th November, 2023
Twitter | Linkedin | Slides -
“Modular code for a modular software: developing HADDOCK3.”
Instruct Software Developers Exchange Webinar 5, June 10th, 2022
Invited Talk.
Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Youtube | Slides -
“Introducing HADDOCK3: Enabling modular integrative modelling pipelines.”
BioExcel Webminar, June 7th, 2022
Invited Talk.
Website | Twitter | LinkedIn | Youtube | Slides -
“Introducing HADDOCK3, Enabling modular integrative modelling pipelines.”
NMR Meeting at Utrecht University, 1st June, 2022
Slides -
“Effective open-science practices for organizing a scientific software repository - extended.”
International Symposium on Grids & Clouds (ISGC), 20-25th March, 2022
Talk, Virtual Conference.
Abstract | Slides -
“Effective open-science practices for organizing a scientific software repository - short.”
OSCU Open Science Symposium - Faculty of Science, October 10th, Utrecht University, Netherlands, 2021.
Slides on OSF | Slides on GDrive -
“Protein docking.”
EMBL-EBI Structural Bioinformatics virtual course, 11-15th October, 2021
Hands-on Session tutor. -
“Modelling Intrinsically Disorder Proteins by experimental data.”
SickKids Postdoctoral Seminar Series, 2021
Invited Talk.
Slides -
“A summary of the Farseer-NMR project and its current state.”
Invited Researcher at SickKids, Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Hosted by: Julie Forman-Kay
Slides -
“Lyn’s natural isoforms display different fuzzy complexes in UD-SH3 interaction.”
Invited Researcher at SickKids, Toronto, Canada, 2019.
Hosted by: Julie Forman-Kay
Slides -
“Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment, analysis and plotting of large scale, multi-variable BioNMR data – knowledge exchange within the community.”
NMR Groups at Utrecht University and Leiden, The Netherlands, 2018.
Organizer and lecturer
Hosted by: Hugo van Ingen.
Slides | DOI -
“Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment, analysis and plotting of large scale, multi-variable BioNMR data.”
Parc Cientific de Barcelona, CCiTUB, University of Barcelona, Spain, 2018.
Organizer and lecturer
Hosteg by: NMR Facility of the University of Barcelona.
Slides | DOI -
Cis-trans proline isomers and ligand binding in the catalytic domain of Calcineurin.
Open seminar, RMBLab, Protein Biophysical Chemistry Group, University of Coimbra, Portugal, May 4th, 2018.
Invited Talk Slides -
“Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment, analysis and plotting of large scale, multi-variable BioNMR data”
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Facility, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, May 9th, 2018.
Organizer and lecturer
Hosted by: Eurico J. Cabrita
Slides -
“Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment, analysis and plotting of large scale, multi-variable BioNMR data”
Seminar and Hands-on Session at the Workshop NMR FOCUS entitled: “NMR in health and disease: From Protein-Ligand Interactions to Small Molecules in Tissues”, PTNMR, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 7th-11th of May 2018.
Organizer and lecturer
Hosted by: Rui Brito
Slides -
“2D- and 3D-NMR Processing and Analysis with introduction to CCPNMR Analysis Suite v2.4.” Hands-on Session at the Workshop NMR FOCUS entitled: “NMR in health and disease: From Protein-Ligand Interactions to Small Molecules in Tissues”, PTNMR, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 7th-11th of May 2018.
Lecture at workshop
Hosted by: Rui Brito -
“Chemical Shift Perturbation – Protein Based Studies”
Workshop NMR FOCUS entitled: “NMR in health and disease: From Protein-Ligand Interactions to Small Molecules in Tissues”, PTNMR, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 7th-11th of May 2018.
Lecture at workshop
Hosted by: Rui Brito -
“Automated NMR data treatment of simple and complex experimental datasets.”
1 minute flash-presentation at CECAM Workshop: “Disordered protein segments: revisiting the structure-function paradigm”, Paris, France, October, 2017.
Slide -
“The concept of Farseer-NMR: automatic treatment and plotting of lage-scale NMR titration data.”
Barcelona Biomed Seminars, Parc Scientific de la Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 2017.
Organizer and Speaker -
“Introductory workshops on Farseer-NMR Software.”
CIC bioGUNE Institute of the Bizkaia Technology Park and the University of Basque Country, Spain, 2017.
Organizer and Speaker
Hosted by: Jesús Jiménez-Barbero
Slides -
“Analysis of Calcineurin’s structure and conformational changes via methionine labelling NMR spectroscopy.”
Barcelona Biomed Seminars, Parc Scientific de la Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, February, 2016.
Slides -
“On the ‘tectonics’ of MMP-1 catalyzed collagenolysis: joint use of paramagnetic NMR and computational tools.”
Barcelona Biomed Seminars, Parc Scientific de la Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, Februrary, 2014.
Slides -
“Joint use of NMR and bioinformatic tools to unveil the dynamics and the ‘tectonic’ enzymatic mechanism of MMP-1”.
EJIBCE, Oporto, Portugal, December 20th, 2013.
Slides -
“MMP-1: intradomain mobility and substract interaction.”
Visiting researcher at the NMR Spectroscopy Research Group, Utrech University, The Netherlands, 2013.
Talk -
“Molecular Biology preparation of paramagnetic equipped MMP-1.”
Ph.D. Day 3, University of Florence, Italy, 2012.
Talk -
“Characterizing MMP-1 Internal Dynamics.”
IX Annual Meeting of CNC – Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, Coimbra, Portugal, 2011.
Presented and as co-author.
- “IDPConformerGenerator: A Flexible Software Suite for Sampling the Conformational Space of Disordered Protein States”
67th Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, San Diego CA USA. February 20th 2023, San Diego, USA.
Poster - “Effectively developing, distributing, and managing a Python package with a large community”
ISMB/BOSC, July 11-14th, 2022, virtual.
Abstract | Poster | LinkedIn - “Introducing HADDOCK v3”: A rebuilt, renewed, modern, extensible, and modular version”
Bijvoet Symposium, April 2022. Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Poster - “Introducing HADDOCK v3”: A rebuilt, renewed, modern, extensible, and modular version”
EMBO-Workshop: Advances and challenges in biomolecular simulations, October 21st, 2021. Workshop.
Poster - “pdb-tools: a swiss army knife for molecular structures”
ISMB/ECCB 2019, Basel, Switzerland. Best poster prize.
F1000 poster publication - “Automated NMR Data treatment of simple and complex experimental datasets”
CECAM Workshop 2017: “Disordered protein segments: revisiting the structure-function paradigm”, Paris, France.
Poster - “Fuzzy intramolecular interactions in Src family kinases”
EUROMAR 2017, Warsaw, Poland. - “Farseer - Automatic treatment, calculation and plotting of NMR data. Reducing weeks to seconds”
First All Hands Meeting of iNEXT (iNEXT AHM) 2016, Alcalá de Henares, Spain.
Poster - “A python tool to automatically treat, calculate and plot NMR-derived peaklists data”
16th CCPN / CCPBioSim joint conference 2016, Buxton, United Kingdom. - “A python tool to instantly treat, calculate and plot NMR-derived peaklists data”
8th GERMN/5th Iberian NMR Meeting 2016, Valencia, Spain. Awarded Travel Fellowship from GERMN (RSEQ). - “A conserved aromatic-residue code shapes the intrinsically disordered Unique domain of c-Src”
16th CCPN / CCPBioSim joint conference 2016, Buxton, United Kingdom. - “A conserved aromatic-residue code shapes the intrinsically disordered Unique domain of c-Src”
EUROMAR 2016, Aarhus, Denmark. - “Transient contacts in the instrinsically Disordered Unique Domain of c-Src”
Chemical Complexity & Biology, Strasbourg, France, 2015. - “A C2HC zinc finger is essential for the activity of the RING ubiquitin ligase RNG125”
EMBO Conference 2015 “Ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like modifiers: from molecular mechanisms to human diseases”, Cavtat, Croatia. - “Transient contacts in the instrinsically Disordered Unique Domain of c-Src”
VII GERMN Biennal Meeting / IV Iberian NMR Meeting / VI Iberoamerican NMR Meeting 2015, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. - “Paramagnetic analysis of collagenolysis by matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1)”
EMBO Workshop – Magnetic Resonance for cellular structural biology 2014, Grosseto, Italy. - “Interactions of an essential Zn-finger in the ubiquitin ligase RNF125”
4th Annual User group Meeting of BioNMR 2014, Warsaw, Poland. - “The interdomain mobility of MMP-1 and its mechanism of interaction with a collagen analogue explored by paramagnetic NMR”
5th CAPRI Evaluation Meeting, 17-19 April 2013, Utrecht, The Netherlands. - “Analysis of conformational heterogeneity in multidomain enzymes: the prologue of the collagenolysis mechanism”
IV Ibero-American NMR Meeting – VI GERMN Bienal Meeting – III Iberian NMR Meeting 2012, Aveiro, Portugal. - “3D-view of MMP-1 conformational heterogeneity in solution: the prologue of the collagenolysis mechanism”
12th Chianti/INSTRUCT Workshop on BioNMR 2012. Electron and Nuclear Relaxation for Structural Biology, Montecatini Terme, Italy. - “3D-view of MMP-1 conformational heterogeneity in solution: the prologue of the collagenolysis mechanism”
Breakthroughs in NMR of Structural Biology - 2nd BioNMR Annual User Meeting 2012, Portoroz, Slovenia. - “3D-view of MMP-1 conformational heterogeneity in solution: the prologue to the collagenolysis mechanism”
XXVth International Conference on Mangetic Resonance in Biological Systems 2012, Lyon, France. - “Lanthanide binding CLaNP-5.2 for NMR of proteins: exploring PCS and RDCs in MMP-1 internal dynamics”
BioNMR and EAST-NMR Annual User Meeting 2011, Brno, Czech Republic. - “Interaction of Ln3+-based MRI contrast agents with HSA using Saturation Transfer Difference NMR Techniques”
Joint EUROMAR 2010 and 17th ISMAR conference / Worldwide Magnetic Resonance conference, Florence, Italy. - “Study of the interaction of La3+ complexes of DOTA/DTPA-glycoconjugates with RCA120 using the High Resolution Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR technique”
COST Chemistry D38 “Metal Based Systems for Molecular Imaging Applications” 2009, Warsaw, Poland. - “Study of the interaction of Ln3+ complexes of BOPTA or DTPA-cholate with HSA and of DOTA/DTPA-glycoconjugates with RCA120 using the High Resolution Saturation Transfer Difference (STD) NMR technique”
IV Reunión Bienal del GERM-I Reunión Iberica de RMN 2008, Sevilla, Spain.